Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Just a Summary of My journey here

Today was good. I bribed my brother to come with me to the airport so my car wouldn't be there all week.  Problem was I still needed to do some last minute shopping so we had to leave at 5 in the morning for my 9:30 flight. He set some terms and conditions of course. He had control of the radio (Sports Talk, no surprise), I buy him breakfast and a monster drink, and of course gas. He was a good sport when I forgot the monster, didn't have time for McDonald's, and he had to put in his headphones.  My sweet younger brother stayed up last night begging me to wake him before I left this morning. I promise I tried, Nate! Flight One was good. I spent most of it huddled by the window as the large man next to me leaned over entirely too far, grumbled about his work that caused him to travel far too much and airline conspiracies. Planes are for thinking, cloud imaginating, and talking to God, in my opinion.  Second flight was on a teeny propeller plane. HA! That, my friends, is adventure. Flying in a baby propeller plane over New York City:) A sweet memory I'm sure not to forget. I had no seat at first because some man was on the wrong plane. I ended up sitting with a girl who had just graduated with her Public Relations degree and was headed to New York, New York to search for her first job there while living with a variety of people for a few weeks. From there I hopped in a shuttle from Laguardia Airport to Newark. There was a kind looking young lady sitting behind me who said hello when I got in. She told me she was from Norway, traveling the world! She was simply delightful truly! At the next stop just a few feet down the road another girl entered the shuttle and I recognized her from Christians United for Israel because she had just friend requested me on facebook that morning. I found out she was also a Public Relations major with a heart for ministry.  Needless to say, we hit it off just fine.  We spoke with Ingrid, my new Norwegian friend of God, country, and travels. The Lord put it together I'd dare say. Our shuttle driver, Christopher, age 53, was from Jamaica and terrified of snakes. He is a cow whisper/tamer, believes pork is deadly according to medical books, quarrels with his children but loves his grand children, and has finding a wife constantly on his mind. I told him to get dreads. He's bald. He said he would get one. Then he decided he could get his whole head dreaded with some fish oil stuff and the day after he is married shave his head. Because ya know, his wife would only marry him for his dreads. His leaving words of wisdom: Just read you Bible and keep loving God and don't get involved with Chick-fil-a. Thanks man.  A God ordained journey I think would fairly accurately describe this day, I might say.Then we had a delicious final American Dinner and listened to Christians United For Israel's National Director, David Brogg speak on 3 myths of Israel. Excellent and Informative, of course. Now I am doing my best to stay up as late as possible so that tomorrow I can sleep on the plane and awake in Israel bright and early their time.

1 comment:

  1. "Planes are for thinking, cloud imaginating, and talking to God, in my opinion." agreed! "a heart for ministry" in the also category thrills me wrongly I'm sure. Your adventures, your people! Perfect. Also, the idea of you as a sister (the idea that you have siblings) has always been beautiful to me, not saying I see you as a sister, saying instead that I like that you are a sister and I think they are lucky to have you.
