Passed interrogation in the airport! Israel has staff here in Newark that interrogates everyone before they can even continue on to customs. This is a wonderful group of people. I'm already enjoying the trip. A couple of us went into the little cologne shop and doused ourselves. One of my buddies mistook some perfume for cologne. It's hilarious. Walking back from the shop, I ran into another group of friends and I joined them to go check out the swatch shop. Then to the the electronics store to improv flashmob to Adele. Now we're just waiting on the flight. Someone suggested we all pray over the flight together and we joined hands in unity and asked God to bless the trip. I am so honored to be here. None of us can remember each others names so for now, we just kinda call each other whatever we want. Also they gave us cute little old men hats, that say CUFI and I adore mine so I'm already officially "the girl with the hat." It'll be in all my pictures, I'm certain;)
Any moment now!
I can't believe I'm about to enter the land. All that stand between us is the Great Atlantic. My posts should get more meaningful from here on out. This is really happening.
You are really happening, dang. so proud.